Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Perfect, Cheap, All-Natural Health and Fitness Elixir

Yes, ladies and gentlemen, friends--I found it!

Yup! I finally found it, folks! I've been looking for the perfect, cheap, all-natural health and fitness elixir available. I've been searching high and low. Majority of them are expensive or fakes--or both. Some are good but they cost your entire month's wage to buy one. Some costs 3-month salary. Is it really that expensive to enjoy good health and fitness? There must be something…

Then I discovered all-natural
 apple cider vinegar (ACV). It's very affordable. My wife and I scouted around and discovered that in Manila, Health Options (they have shops in some SM malls) sell it for only a hundred plus pesos per pint or 16 full ounces. You may also buy online. It's cheaper because you don't get to drink a bottle-full or even a cup-full; you just take 2 teaspoons per mix. Mix it with a glass of clean water, and drink--3 times a day.

Bragg - Apple Cider Vinegar, 32 oz liquid
You may not like the smell and sour taste, but that's not important. What I'm after are the health and fitness benefits. Just look at the benefits of this perfect, cheap, all-natural health and fitness elixir:

1. Weight Loss. No, it's not a fat burner. But it regulates your food intake. It reduces your desire to eat too much. Well, some claim it speeds up metabolism. In my case, I feel it. I'm not that of a devourer anymore.

2. Controls Bad Cholesterol. Somehow it lowers your LDL. Perhaps, it's all because you lessen your appetite for fatty foods. 

3. Strengthens the immune system. It's rich in Vitamins C, E, A, P, B1 and B12,  and B6. It is also full of vital minerals like manganese, iron, calcium, sodium, magnesium, phosphorus, silicon, chlorine, and fluorin, and they are all-natural.  

It has enzymes, amino acids, aldehydes, and apple pectin--which is an important fiber for health and fitness. It also has lots of potassium and help control glucose levels. It is a powerful energizer. Above all, it remedies tummy problems like reflux, IBS, and the like. It also fights infections and allergies. 

It's good for arthritis, strong bones, and helps relieves your nasal congestion and sore throats. Plus a lot more! It's the perfect, cheap, all-natural health and fitness elixir! When buying, make sure to opt for the organic kind, and with the "Mother."

Just one thing--make sure to gargle well after drinking a glass of the ACV concoction--to guard against teeth erosion. And oh, it fights bad breath because it's a natural pro-biotic (kills germs). Good for your acne, too!