Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Somewhere Quiet

I often choose somewhere quiet to spend special moments in. Like our front porch. When talking about quiet time, there's no question about it--I need to have it at our front porch. It has a simple shed and mesh wire protective dividers. Something like what you'd see in simply built green houses. I love my quiet moments there.

Well, you can have your quiet moments somewhere else. Special venues for quiet moments are good, but you seldom get to choose venues for such purpose. So learn about quiet time done in the most noisy places--like the marketplace, malls, trains, buses, in the office or school. Even while your boss gives you a major scolding. When I was employed, I did my quiet moments in the toilet--on or off the throne. Comfort rooms are perfect when figuring out somewhere quiet.

You suddenly have the urge for some quiet moments when there's too much pressure and people require something difficult to produce--like an answer during class recitation in Algebra. You suddenly desire to be somewhere quiet, away from the hassle and bustle of classroom life, because you suddenly discover the peace there is in quiet moments.
Quiet Moments for Homeschool Moms and Dads

Or, when the wife complains how the family budget no longer equals the family expenses--you begin to crave to know more about quiet time. You often go out and head for somewhere quiet--where no one could bother you with mundane queries. Wives' queries like that can suddenly convert husbands into spiritual gurus.

But you know where you can really go for some breather, somewhere quiet? It's right where you are now. Just close your eyes and shut everything out. That's somewhere quiet.

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