Saturday, July 28, 2012

Seeking Answers to Life

I learned one vital lesson in life--never be seeking answers to life seriously and you'd see that serious answers just come to you without effort. No kidding (I'm trying to be serious here). The more I enjoy what comes to me, the deeper life insights I get. So I decided, seeking answers to life involves often staying on the lighter side of life.

In short, always finding something funny to laugh about. I remember being in really tight situations in life with my family and I and my wife would huddle together waiting for something funny to think about--which would often come from me. And our two young boys would laugh along. Then something would hit me--I'd find a new meaning in all of it. I'd become wiser. And I'd knew the funny idea came from God.

I've tried to be serious about life. If you'd see me in person you'd find me looking serious and formal most times. But don't let that facade fool you. I'm really a guy who loves to see something funny to laugh about. You see, I discovered that besides being fruitless and boring, taking life too seriously only added to the stress and anxiety that triggered chemical reactions in the body and which led to diseases. My face became used to  assuming a serious impression as a result, but somehow I can now manage to change all that in just a matter time. I can easily think up something funny to laugh about.

And it's become part of my seeking answers to life without meaning to. I seek but I'm not in a hurry for answers. I read lots of books in my quest, and try a lot of new things and talk to different folks, but I just listen--listening takes patience and forever. Only the wise listen, so says the Book of God. Only the wise can afford forever, and invest in forever. Fools are always in a hurry and they're always serious about everything, wanting nothing to talk about but "God" and posting nothing on their FB but bible quotes.

They're not really seekers--they're just exhibitionists proving that they're better and more spiritual, though they always insist that they're not. Seekers are like travelers that just enjoy the scenery they see around as they gradually progress in distance. They know that excessive seriousness does not shorten or lengthen the journey, but fun and a lighter side of life do seem to reduce travel time. More accurately, they amuse you so much that you forget about time.

I love seeking answers to life while enjoying sips of ice-cold fresh fruit drinks sweetened with wild honey. Or try the soya milk shake mixed with melon extracts and black pearls I discovered one afternoon quest in SM North. Or, alone in our dining room or at my desk or in our front porch, God and I talk a lot (and laugh or cry about) life. Sometimes we literally talk, sometimes we just connect mentally, or better we stare at nothing for hours and then suddenly break into laughter. Then something dawns on me and I see everything clearly. I suddenly become wiser like a serpent, and then he cautions me to take a balanced insight so I become innocent as a dove, too.

God gives you both extremes of an issue. Well, at least that's how he deals with me. I'm always given extreme insights into things and then he helps me synthesize that. Or, he allows me to take one of either extreme sides and explore on it and later miraculously end up with a balanced extremity without any effort. He's wonderful. And that's the whole point of seeking answers to life without meaning to.

Life always has questions to present you--profound or trivial. Just let them be asked. Wait. Then answers come as you enjoy the wait. That's how life is. And that's seeking answers to life with wisdom.

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