Thursday, April 8, 2010

Smart Ideas on Taking Vacations

Summer means vacations, especially to the province. And never forget to bring your camera especially when you have a blog like this. There's nothing like using your own photos of places where you have been and seen for yourself. That's among smart ideas on taking vacations. And never take too much food. It's better to buy most of your food from where you're spending your vacation or trip.

It spoils the fun when food leftovers litter in your van or take up so much place in it, and you're left with no choice but to get dirty with them. And if you're taking along food, make sure they're packed in disposables. Try packing them in plastics placed inside carton lunch boxes. And use plastic spoons and forks. The same with cups for drinking. The more everything is disposable, the better for your trip. Smart ideas on taking vacations, aren't they?

Next, make sure you bring your cell phone charger. Never leave without them, along with some cash and your ATM or credit card. Also, don't forget to get ready some bottled water (iced if possible) to prevent heat strokes. Take along ice in an ice box for the same purpose. Summer heat can drain you of body fluids fast, no matter if your van is air-conditioned. Don't forget these smart ideas on taking vacations. 

Flight-Pass... Escape the OrdinaryLast, never leave your house unlocked or unguarded. And bring the key to the locks--don't leave them inside the house. It's obvious but it often happens. Check the gas tank and the brakes--always! And leave enough food and water for doggie and cattie and birdie. And make sure the fuse box is turned off. With all these smart ideas on taking vacations accomplished, it should be all yahoo!

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