Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Staying Fit Effectively!

Survival Skills For Pilates Teachers: Thriving In The Mind-body Fitness WorldI've been a fitness buff for decades and have tried almost everything--from jogging and running to weights and isometrics. They all worked, but I'd been looking for a system that fits perfectly and effectively for office workers like me. The program to keep me staying fit effectively--almost the right fitness program for everyone. Now, I don't mean I work in a company office and have a boss who pays my monthly salary. I mean I work in my home office spending almost 12 hours a day just staring at the monitor. 

When you really love the work you do, going to the gym becomes boring--but not the idea of staying fit effectively. I always want to be fit. Finally, I came up with something easy and yet effective. I think this is the right fitness program for everyone. 

1. Early Water Therapy. Rise up early, about 4 or 5 am, and do water therapy at once. Three glasses of pure (or alkaline) water, drink them straight, and then rest for 2 minutes. 
2. Deep Breathing and Meditation. After the water therapy, stand up straight, with straight back, relax your body and legs, especially your shoulders. But don't sag. Breathe deeply but naturally, your eyes focusing on a leaf or flower or anything small at a distance. It's important to always relax. Inhale deeply with your tummy expanding, exhale with it shrinking. Do this 40 times. Numbers one and two should keep you staying fit effectively. But add the following:
Shing Yi Chuan Five Elements energy Patterns for Body mind and Spirit
3. Jog in Place or Walk Briskly. If you're too busy, try jogging in place for 3 to 4 minutes each hour. Have an alarm to remind you each hour. Stand up from your seat and jog in place where you are. Do variations, like raising your legs so that your knees almost touch your chest, or do them with kicks. I do them with different high kicks. Or walk briskly each day for 40 minutes. When I feel exhausted from writing online, I go out and take long walks and come back refreshed and with new and crazy ideas.
Tai Chi for Beginners with Grandmaster William C.C. Chen
4. Tai Chi. If you don't know how, get FREE lessons from youtube. I do this with my deep breathing sessions in the morning. After this, I do my wing chun practice. Simply perfect ways of staying fit effectively! For FREE lessons, go here: Tai Chi Yang Style
5. Push Ups. Do simple push ups. Start with 10-15 repetitions in 4 sets. The increase according to how you feel your strength progress. It shouldn't take you more than 20 minutes to do 4 sets. Or, for super simple push ups, start with leaning against a step on the stairs and push. Go lower as you build strength. 
Death, Taxes & Push-ups

My recommendation for staying fit effectively are numbers 1, 2, and 4. The others are optional. Of course, do this with proper diet. I really think this is the right fitness program for everyone--young and old. I've been doing it for some months now and I feel superb and happy physically, emotionally, and mentally. 

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