Wednesday, April 28, 2010

No Water?

And it Just Rained So Hard Last Night! Where is this all coming to? They say the Polar ice caps are melting and flooding all the seas worldwide with excess water due to climate change. And yet, no water? Can they not channel the excess water to the city dams and filter them and turn them to potable water? I mean, we're in the 21st century, and we're supposed to be able to do that, right? Don't we have an effective water technology?
Early this summer they complained about a cloudless sky. They could have seeded clouds if there were any, they claimed, but there weren't. The planes for seeding clouds were all ready to take off at the slightest sign of clouds. Okay, good excuse, I told myself. So let's pray for clouds. Then came heavy, dark, angry clouds. Did they seed? No rain came. Still no water, said the news. So where's the effective water technology I saw on TV documentaries?

Then last night it rained. It was a glory to feel the refreshing cool breeze. Wow! They seeded the clouds, at last! But early this morning, we found our faucets dry. I opened them and they released nothing but air--in a ghostly moan that sent our cat scramming in fear. Is this a joke or what?

How can you workout when there's no water to take a shower with after? How can you go to work? How can you cook and wash dishes? How can you fight the blazing summer heat? How can you....where's that effective water technology? Only Japan has it? Why didn't they take that technology here years ago then? 

The 7000 plus islands we have are surrounded by bodies of water. That should eliminate all excuses of having no water during drought or El Nino or climate change, or what-have-you. If we have an effective water technology and wisely invest in it, we would have nothing to worry about no matter the climate Nino or El Change that happens around us. 

So, there's no water. Hmmm...I think the bottled waters in the fridge would do for taking a bath and using the toilet. The phone sister asks if we have water supply. "Yeah," I answer, "we have lots of the fridge and in our bodies---70 percent of body weight is water! Ain't that good news?" She hangs up. 

Now here are tips on saving water:

1. Conserve water. After gurgling water when brushing teeth, keep it for later use--I mean to wash car tires or the street canal--not for gurgling again. 

2. Save the water when washing your hair. Use it for flushing the toilet bowl. 

3. Use paper plates, cardboard cups, and other disposables for a while for dinners. No, don't eat them--I mean, us them for containing food and transporting food from container to your mouth. Okay?
Downy Fabric Softener Sheets, Clean Breeze Scent, 120-Count Boxes (Pack of 3)

4. And use Downy softener when rinsing clothes--the type that allows for super effective one-time rinsing. 

Friday, April 23, 2010

Jocotes Will Keep You Fit and Happy

Jocotes will keep you fit. I know that for a fact. I mean, fruits keep us healthy. Eat enough and you're on your way to fitness and happiness. Oh yeah, jocotes can make you happy. I can remember as a kid how I and my cousins would buy some jocotes and try to hit each other with them. It was fun to see very ripe and soft jocotes hit someone's face. What are jocotes? They're "Sinigwelas!" Man, you should know!
Or, there's an alternative. Eat the jocotes first and then hit someone with the remaining seed, with traces of your saliva still on it. Or, just plain hit a foe with it whole and round. When I spent summer vacations in San Juan, La Union as a kid, that was among our summer treats. I wonder if my cousins remember. There would be jocotes everywhere. It signaled the onslaught of summer heat. By the way, that's my hand above holding jocotes. My skin's still rich with fresh collagen. See? Because of jocotes. 

But be sure about it--jocotes will keep you fit. Because of its dark green color, it's got lots of antioxidants, Vitamins, and other micro-nutrients. Not to mention the natural fiber. When you bite into it, you'd see its rich yellow inner color. That makes it so rich in Vitamin A. I heard somewhere from someone that jocotes also pact you up with iron and alkaline. That makes it safe for those with reflux--I mean the alkaline part. Plus, they say it has a fat burner property. And I'm sure that any fruit as good-looking as jocotes can only mean good health for anyone. Yes, jocotes will keep you fit. 

I can also remember how we used jocotes to decorate cakes and other sweet desserts--like Halo-Halo. You should try keeping extra ripe (but not rotten) jocotes in your chiller for an hour or two. Then take a bite--ummm! Relish that cool, fresh splash of juicy jocote essence round your tongue, teeth, and tongue! It's something like a subtle mix of papaya, pineapple, banana, kiwi, and peach, all rolled into that tiny crooked, oblong globe of a tropical fruit. Hey, that's my finger above sizing up a jocote. All jocotes seen here on the blog have been consumed as of this writing. Yum!

Now, why didn't anyone invent seedless jocotes? I also used to ask why a seedless mango was never invented. Anyone who invents them will become a multi-billionaire in a day. And how about a seedless mongo? Hey, I know a man who loved eating mongo beans and he died....
Anyway, jocotes will keep you fit. The only problem is, it's not a year-round fruit in Manila. What happens if your wife gets pregnant and starts craving for jocotes in October? Someone must start making jocote jam or candy or preserves. Or at least make it a juice flavor. 

Jocote: Webster's Timeline History, 2000The guy above is a jocote fanatic kept fit by the fruit--and regular exercise (martial arts) and right diet. I just had my latest blood chemistry this month, April 2010, and the results were all very normal! Praise God! And I'm able to keep an ideal weight. Yup, jocotes will keep you fit.

How to Normalize Your BP Effectively

Do It! Do It! Do It!

We've heard enough about the causes of high blood pressure and how to normalize your BP. I think we really know what we ought to do--problem is, we don't do it, and do it consistently. I've observed in emergency rooms and often hear BP patients saying "I've not been taking my pill," or "I ate quite a bit of this and that."

But what I'd really want to point out here are just 4 things--eat right, exercise, drink plenty of water, and relax. Often, simply do this and you'd be out of trouble. They're enough to answer what most people ask about how to normalize your BP. But, again, the problem is, they don't do it regularly. You have to think of it as your life. It's the way things are now. Don't change it.

When I recommend this remedy, I often check folks I recommend it to. They do it persistently the first few weeks, and then lax. Then they complain about getting high BPs. Then they ask you again for other remedies on how to normalize your BP. Then they insist your formula doesn't work. 

Okay, for you new visitors to Choy's Blog, get this straight and just do it, do it, and do it. Don't stop. And regularly consult your doctor.

Eat Right

Do I need to explain this? Eat lots of fruits and veggies--especially the green leafy. I don't care if they taste terrible. Just eat them. Forget about taste. It's your life to forget about taste. And always use olive or corn oil. Forget about the rest types of cooking oil. Eat a small cup of rice, and that's it (no, don't eat the cup--eat the rice in the cup). 


Brisk walking is the best. Do it leisurely. Don't have goals or targets--just walk and enjoy. Always consult your doctor about it, and your progress. Do it each early morning, or every other day. Do it for 30 to 40 minutes. Sway your arms and move your body as you brisk walk. If you get tired rest. As simple as that. That's how to normalize your BP. 

Plenty of Water

Drink 3 glasses first thing in the morning prior to brisk walking. Relax and rest, and then brisk walk. Drink 8 glasses a day. Drink, drink, drink. Drink fresh fruit juices. My favorite is avocado, mango, papaya, and banana mix cocktail. Forget about your beer or alcohol. Red wine is good now and then--ask your doc about it. 
Watkins Glenn NY Waterfall River Art Black Wood-Mounted Poster Print relaxing - 16" x 20"

Relax, Will You?

Just relax. Don't take any problem seriously. Think about solutions but be sure to relax and enjoy life more. If you cannot solve a problem--then don't solve it. Pray for it to just go away. Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy! RELAX! Some people just cannot relax. Lots of people have forgotten the art of relaxing. We have to re-learn this gift from God. 
Zen Meditation Garden: Relaxing Music for Meditation and Relaxation

I have my share of problems. Well, because of my simplicity, I have less serious problems than most people do. When I have a heavy problem, I just relax and enjoy, while thinking out solutions. If it's unsolvable--to heck with it. I throw it away, and just relax. 

Well, there's another tip: live a simple life.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Kayaking in Quezon City?

Kayaking in Quezon City? I was in grade 6 then. We were mighty adventurous, but lacking outlets to release our energies through. We wanted to go kayaking, but didn't have the kayak, the wild river, and the skill to do it. We remembered the dirty river nearby. Okay, that would do. Now, how to build the kayak? The kayaking skill could come later--right on the spot.
We got some empty rectangular gasoline cans, riveted them together to fit our legs in, and that formed the "kayak." We also built a "canoe" using Chinese wood planks nailed together. We sealed joints by dropping melted candle on them. That should do it, we thought. We also made paddles from woods. Then we marched through the woods and then down the dirty river to go kayaking in Quezon City. 

Everything sank. Kayaking was not that easy, after all. It looked so easy in the Encyclopedia we had browsed. The same with canoeing. We noticed goat poo floating on the water. Some of us wallowed some of that water when we sank. It was a miracle that no one had stomach trouble. We went home laughing, though a bit frustrated. We planned on a come back--we wanted to be the first to go kayaking in Quezon City. But the return bout never happened again. That was in 1972. 
Whitewater Kayaking with Ken Whiting DVD 
Some 38 years have passed. Most of the QC kayakers are living abroad--one in Australia, two in the US, one is a Housing commissioner, one is dead, and one is a web content writer---me. Recently I passed by the bridge along Mindanao Avenue near Road 20 where the kayaking trip happened. It's now a major, busy road. Some 38 years ago it was surrounded by woods and thick clusters of bamboos. I reminisced and smiled as I passed by---kayaking in Quezon City. We never thought it was crazy and dangerous. 

Kids, don't do that at home--or in any river nearby.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Teeth Whitener: Your Teeth Say It All

Teeth Whitener. It's crazy to think what could happen to your life without an effective teeth whitener. I mean, just think about applying for a job, preparing for an interview, courting a girl, getting cute with a boy, or simply asking your boss for a raise. Some people judge you by your teeth--or more accurately, your teeth whitener. Well, is it effective? I mean, your teeth whitener?

In my scouting years I learned that some natives from a hot region of the globe used a tree stem with splintered end as tooth brush. Toothpaste? The natives didn't bother. But they had very white teeth. Why? Well, experts said natives like that didn't have commercialized sugar in their diets, unlike what we have today, especially if you're a fastfood or processed food addict. And most especially if you're too fond of soft drinks. 

But what if you are, indeed, a commercial sugar enthusiast? What could be done for whitening teeth? Well, there's a powerful teeth whitener available online (not in supermarkets) which boasts of 16 percent Carbamide Peroxide--the same content of teeth whitener most dentists use for whitening teeth--but this one's a bit more powerful because it's easier to use than what most dentists use. That's whiter teeth for you. 

It's reportedly number one in the UK now. So, if you have plans on going to the UK just for whitening teeth, forget it. We got the right teeth whitener for you right here on Choy's Ideas. Save yourself from embarrassing moments, like when you're excitedly telling someone about a new fashion design, and all the person notices are your stained teeth. Or, worse, all your in-laws know about you is that you got rotten teeth. 

By the way, this new, unique, and powerful teeth whitener has the nod of the US Food and Drug Administration. It's safe. Now, if your teeth are already sparkling white and have no need of whitening teeth further, then just sell it online. If you're aching for more, simply click the banner on the right. Get a global teeth quality. ;)

So, here's a smile for you!

A smile won't cost you anything--except if you have colored teeth! - Anonymous

Your Mailing List

I discovered recently that internet marketers and bible ministers who wanna make it good online should have a mailing list. And as I studied the subject I told myself, yeah, why didn't I see that before--mailing list. Once you have this list it's smooth sailing online--at least 75 percent of it. 

Ministry mailing list? Yup, why not? The internet is a big and tremendous opportunity for global evangelism and discipleship, and you need an effective ministry mailing list system to send your email messages to. If you have that list, just send out regular email messages, announcements, and updates with a press of a key and you're able to talk to your audience worldwide. Amazing. 

If you have a ministry mailing list--and have established your relationship with your list members--you can easily raise funds for a worthy project. No, don't ask them money or donation--sell them something they need. I don't believe in a ministry or church that begs. The Acts church sold their properties and goods. So it's much better to sell than beg or solicit. 

With your ministry mailing list you can have a poll or survey to gauge what the needs of your list members are. Basing from that, you can effectively sell them items they need for a worthy cause. Now, just what is a mailing list--or a ministry mailing list? How do you create one?

A mailing list is a list of people who want and need to connect with you, so they willing join your mailing list as members who regularly get email updates, info, and announcements from you and about what you do online. They sign up using their email addresses and names. Once you get that list growing, huge possibilities mount up. You can get it growing by often promoting it online. Promote your mailing list in social networking sites, for instance, like Face Book.

Some mailing list programs cost so much. But there are some that offer FREE mailing list programs, like Downline Builder. Yes, your mailing list members can also be your downlines--this means as you earn money, they also do. I think this is the best mailing list program. Your members are incentivized to promote your mailing list--because doing do also promotes their mailing list. Fun, isn't it!

So get your list started today. It's free and fun with Downline Builder.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Our trip to Agbanawag, Nueva Ecija

Things to do During Vacations

When you make a trip to the countryside at the spur of the moment, chances are you'd end up with not knowing what things to do during vacations like that. Earlier this month we went to Calamba, Laguna for a swim. This week we were in Agbanawag, Nueva Ecija for 4 days to supervise rice harvest at the property of my wife's family. It was an almost sudden trip. And you know what we did?

Well, in a way, it was a planned trip. So my sis in-law brought along an inflatable swimming pool and I brought some reading stuffs, being a bibliophile, plus my arnis sticks and small sword for some early morning workouts. My wife brought some nursing literature to study. My eldest son brought his appetite. To him, the best things to do during vacations is eat all you can.

We traveled some 3 to 4 hours, leaving QC at about 7am. We were 7 in all--two families--with heavy luggage filling up the back seats of the van. We were ready to stay there 4 days--a first in our history there --since we always visited there just a day or two. We would be staying in my dad in-law's kalapaw, an Ilocano term for a hut. But it was not exactly a hut--more of a mini-castle in the midst of hut houses. 

We stopped over one of those posh gas-and-fastfood stations along the NLEX (SLEX also has them) and had some quick bites and planned strategies--thinking up what things to do during vacations in a place where there's nothing but rice fields and the hot sun to darken your skin.

When we got to the kalapaw, we cooked some lunch and got some harvest intros from the farmer-caretaker. The inflatable pool was set up and soon my kids and nephew and the caretaker's son was in it, fighting off summer Agbanawag-Nueva-Ecija heat. I looked around and took pictures while the rest argued about various topics, like things to do during vacations and the rice harvest. 

So for 4 days it was inflated pool frolicking, talking, cooking, eating, and visiting the rice fields under the blazing heat. Later, they saw the huge waterway running along the length and width of the fields and decided to have some dives and soaking. The water came from the Pantabangan Dam and underwater cold springs of Agbanawag, Nueva Ecija. We had some picnics at the rice fields and some long walks late in the afternoons when the sun's heat was dying and the air was fresh and cool and the whole atmosphere was very relaxing. 

Wife and I also enjoyed sleuthing for mysteries around the neighborhood, peeping in abandoned huts and old houses and old buildings. Finally we saw a mystery in Agbanawag, Nueva Ecija worth looking into--an old abandoned hospital. Our farmer-caretaker told us it's haunted. You know what the kids did?

One night they all (all 7 of them, including their cousins who had been vacationing there) went out for a walk along 3 kilometers of the dark highway (absolutely no street lights whatsoever)--it was about 9 or 10 pm--and finally, as they walked home, passed by the abandoned hospital. Well, nothing happened, but the adventure made them all sweat in fear. 

We were supposed to sleep one more night in the kalapaw, but the tales on spooks and white ladies (and especially the ghost that haunts the kalapaw) one night after supper prodded my sis in-law to beg us to go home that very hour. So, after laughter and mocking, we packed our things and left at 10 pm. So, looking for things to do during vacations while in your hometown? Try talking about anything after supper--when it's dark outside--and bats freely glide in and out your dining area, you're bound to end up talking of mysteries and frightening tales about town, especially if you have a caretaker who's too willing to entertain guests. And most especially when there's an old abandoned hospital just 3 to 4 lots away from your place. I don't believe these farmers--they just go to the rice fields alone anytime of the night, even at 11 pm, without any light!

Actually, there are lots more other things you can do in Agbanawag, Nueva Ecija. You just have to imagine what else those wonderful nature scenes have to offer at the rice fields and waterways and then have the temerity to just do what comes to mind--like go jump in the waterway, visit the rice fields at midnight, trek through the highway late at night, or peek into old abandoned hospitals to see what's going in there after a late supper. Or else, you can opt to take the usual traditional things to do during vacations in your hometown--like what we also did in Agbanawag, Nueva Ecija--climbing trees, eating fruits, cooking native dishes fishing and grilling, hiking, sightseeing, and eating ice cream to cool off from the day's excruciating heat. Want more pictures of our trip to Agbanawag, Nueva Ecija? Simply check this out: Pala-Isip.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Smart Ideas: Kids and Water--Inseparable

WARNING I PEE IN POOLS Youth T-Shirt (for Kids) ASH GREY LARGEKids and Water--And Other Smart Ideas!
Have you ever noticed how kids and water are inseparable? Hence, among the smart ideas on business for summer time is a resort with swimming pools for kids. Kids are so fascinated by water--they wanna play with it, drink it (especially with colors and ice), and swim in it. 

Try to give kids a bath, especially toddlers, and they don't want to get out of the water. Kids and water are inseparable. If you don't have time and/or money for taking the family out in summer, just have the kids dip in tubs with water--or even mere huge basins. Or flood the shower enclosure with water. They'll be thankful to you. Just make sure you watch them--there's no telling what could happen when kids and water join together--like smart ideas that may not be so smart to you can pop out anytime and get everyone in trouble. 

One kid pooed in his diaper and washed it clean in the swimming pool while everyone else was not paying attention. Later, other kids joined him there and splashed water to each other--some ingested some amount in the process. To prevent things like that, why not fit your kid in a shirt like the one above, kid's version? "I poo in pools!" Better yet, make it a promotion: "Poo in pools!" Don't be disappointed when a kid does that, and you're deep in the same pool diving underwater. A mix of kids and water is bound to result to it. And that adds to the fun.

It's A Fact: Many Pee in Pools and Beaches!

There's no formal survey done about it yet (even if there was, who'd admit to peeing in pools?) but I know for a fact that people pee in pools and beaches--not just kids. Kids and water equals pees and poos may be fun, smart ideas--even good business--but adults and water plus the same? That's an ecology problem, even climate change. 
An Underwater Picture of an Indoor Swimming Pool Photographic Poster Print, 18x24

Me thinks fastfood chains targetting kids should have kids and water among their features--like having mini water pools enclosed in glass panels so that adults may eat and relax as they enjoy watching their children. And why not have one for adults, too, so kids can eat their snacks and relax while watching their dads and moms. Smart ideas, right? Some already have a pool of plastic balls, but kids and water is something else. Will anyone try it?

Avoid Swimming in Peed Pools! How?

How do you avoid being victimized by peeing bathers? Chlorine in pools helps some. But the best anti-pee measure is build your own swimming pool and enjoy it all by yourself. Smart Idea? Or else, invent a machine that foretells who would feel nature's call in about 30 minutes to an hour. Have all bathers enter a cubicle with the detector and if they are bound to pee soon or a moment hence, a loud alarm is triggered. That would surely scare pee-ers. 

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Smart Ideas on Taking Vacations

Summer means vacations, especially to the province. And never forget to bring your camera especially when you have a blog like this. There's nothing like using your own photos of places where you have been and seen for yourself. That's among smart ideas on taking vacations. And never take too much food. It's better to buy most of your food from where you're spending your vacation or trip.

It spoils the fun when food leftovers litter in your van or take up so much place in it, and you're left with no choice but to get dirty with them. And if you're taking along food, make sure they're packed in disposables. Try packing them in plastics placed inside carton lunch boxes. And use plastic spoons and forks. The same with cups for drinking. The more everything is disposable, the better for your trip. Smart ideas on taking vacations, aren't they?

Next, make sure you bring your cell phone charger. Never leave without them, along with some cash and your ATM or credit card. Also, don't forget to get ready some bottled water (iced if possible) to prevent heat strokes. Take along ice in an ice box for the same purpose. Summer heat can drain you of body fluids fast, no matter if your van is air-conditioned. Don't forget these smart ideas on taking vacations. 

Flight-Pass... Escape the OrdinaryLast, never leave your house unlocked or unguarded. And bring the key to the locks--don't leave them inside the house. It's obvious but it often happens. Check the gas tank and the brakes--always! And leave enough food and water for doggie and cattie and birdie. And make sure the fuse box is turned off. With all these smart ideas on taking vacations accomplished, it should be all yahoo!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Staying Fit Effectively!

Survival Skills For Pilates Teachers: Thriving In The Mind-body Fitness WorldI've been a fitness buff for decades and have tried almost everything--from jogging and running to weights and isometrics. They all worked, but I'd been looking for a system that fits perfectly and effectively for office workers like me. The program to keep me staying fit effectively--almost the right fitness program for everyone. Now, I don't mean I work in a company office and have a boss who pays my monthly salary. I mean I work in my home office spending almost 12 hours a day just staring at the monitor. 

When you really love the work you do, going to the gym becomes boring--but not the idea of staying fit effectively. I always want to be fit. Finally, I came up with something easy and yet effective. I think this is the right fitness program for everyone. 

1. Early Water Therapy. Rise up early, about 4 or 5 am, and do water therapy at once. Three glasses of pure (or alkaline) water, drink them straight, and then rest for 2 minutes. 
2. Deep Breathing and Meditation. After the water therapy, stand up straight, with straight back, relax your body and legs, especially your shoulders. But don't sag. Breathe deeply but naturally, your eyes focusing on a leaf or flower or anything small at a distance. It's important to always relax. Inhale deeply with your tummy expanding, exhale with it shrinking. Do this 40 times. Numbers one and two should keep you staying fit effectively. But add the following:
Shing Yi Chuan Five Elements energy Patterns for Body mind and Spirit
3. Jog in Place or Walk Briskly. If you're too busy, try jogging in place for 3 to 4 minutes each hour. Have an alarm to remind you each hour. Stand up from your seat and jog in place where you are. Do variations, like raising your legs so that your knees almost touch your chest, or do them with kicks. I do them with different high kicks. Or walk briskly each day for 40 minutes. When I feel exhausted from writing online, I go out and take long walks and come back refreshed and with new and crazy ideas.
Tai Chi for Beginners with Grandmaster William C.C. Chen
4. Tai Chi. If you don't know how, get FREE lessons from youtube. I do this with my deep breathing sessions in the morning. After this, I do my wing chun practice. Simply perfect ways of staying fit effectively! For FREE lessons, go here: Tai Chi Yang Style
5. Push Ups. Do simple push ups. Start with 10-15 repetitions in 4 sets. The increase according to how you feel your strength progress. It shouldn't take you more than 20 minutes to do 4 sets. Or, for super simple push ups, start with leaning against a step on the stairs and push. Go lower as you build strength. 
Death, Taxes & Push-ups

My recommendation for staying fit effectively are numbers 1, 2, and 4. The others are optional. Of course, do this with proper diet. I really think this is the right fitness program for everyone--young and old. I've been doing it for some months now and I feel superb and happy physically, emotionally, and mentally. 

Your Dentures are Alive!

You're sure you placed your car keys on top of the fridge and now they're gone. You're sure you placed your comb in your drawer and now it's gone. You thought lost stuffs are lost because somebody else placed them somewhere else. You're wrong. Those things are alive. How do you know if something's alive? Simple.

Objects have minds of their own. Not only that, they breathe and move and hide and fool people to madness. They get a kick out of seeing people lose their minds and tempers over lost dentures and underwear and wigs and bubble gums. They do this to someday conquer the world. If something makes you lose control, it's alive. That answers, 'How do you know if something's alive?' Remember, you heard this warning first on this blog.

Now, there was a match stick. You won't believe this, but it created an ingenious plan of murdering a man who killed it's parent. The stick started the plan when it was still a forest tree, after it witnessed how the man butchered its dad to death and made charcoals out of it. It vowed to avenge its dad someday. Crazy, but this, in a sense, proves that your dentures are alive just as match sticks are.
Stay Tray - Temporary Replacement for Lost Retainers

The day of vengeance started when someone cut it down to manufacture match sticks. The sticks somehow made it to the matchbox brand the man often used to light his cigarette. As the man was crossing a street while lighting a cigarette the stick burned his finger and made him stop a while to check on the burn--and that was when a speeding car hit him. You still ask me how do you know if something's alive? Figure it out!

Somewhere Quiet

I often choose somewhere quiet to spend special moments in. Like our front porch. When talking about quiet time, there's no question about it--I need to have it at our front porch. It has a simple shed and mesh wire protective dividers. Something like what you'd see in simply built green houses. I love my quiet moments there.

Well, you can have your quiet moments somewhere else. Special venues for quiet moments are good, but you seldom get to choose venues for such purpose. So learn about quiet time done in the most noisy places--like the marketplace, malls, trains, buses, in the office or school. Even while your boss gives you a major scolding. When I was employed, I did my quiet moments in the toilet--on or off the throne. Comfort rooms are perfect when figuring out somewhere quiet.

You suddenly have the urge for some quiet moments when there's too much pressure and people require something difficult to produce--like an answer during class recitation in Algebra. You suddenly desire to be somewhere quiet, away from the hassle and bustle of classroom life, because you suddenly discover the peace there is in quiet moments.
Quiet Moments for Homeschool Moms and Dads

Or, when the wife complains how the family budget no longer equals the family expenses--you begin to crave to know more about quiet time. You often go out and head for somewhere quiet--where no one could bother you with mundane queries. Wives' queries like that can suddenly convert husbands into spiritual gurus.

But you know where you can really go for some breather, somewhere quiet? It's right where you are now. Just close your eyes and shut everything out. That's somewhere quiet.